Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 24-Volume Set 電子與電器工程學百科 英文版
Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 24-Volume Set 電子與電器工程學百科 英文版
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軟體名稱: Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 24-Volume Set
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝
保護種類: 無保護
破解說明: 無
系統支援: 適用所有 Windows 與 Mac 作業系統
硬體需求: PC/Power PC
軟體類型: 電子與電器工程學百科
更新日期: 2009.07.03
軟體發行: John Wiley(A_vax)
官方網站: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471139467,descCd-description.html
中文網站: http://findbook.tw/book/9780471249672/basic
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
專業電子書公司 Wiley 在 2006 年所推出的一部 "電子與電器工程學" 百科,由
John G. Webster 編纂,此Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering 全24冊電子書,收錄的是電子書 PDF 格式
價值 37 多萬台幣一套全 24 集的電子與電器工程學,整部包羅萬象的內容涵蓋之
01. Aerospace and Electronic Systems
02. Antennas and Propagation
03. Applied Superconductivity
04. automatic control
05. Biomedical Engineering
06. Broadcasting
07. Circuits and Systems Analog and Digital Signal Processing
08. Circuits and Systems Fundamental Theory and Applications
09. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
10. Communications
11. Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology
12. Computational Science and Engineering
13. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits
14. Computers
15. Consumer Electronics
16. Control Systems Technology
17. Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation
18. Education
19. Electromagnetic Compatibility
20. Electron Devices
21. Electronic Materials
22. Energy Conversion
23. Engineering Management
24. fuzzy systems
25. Geoscience and Remote Sensing
26. Image Processing
27. Industrial Electronics
28. Industry Applications
29. Information Theory
30. Instrumentation and Measurement
31. Knowledge and Data Engineering
32. Lightwave Technology
33. Magnetics
34. Medical Imaging
35. Microelectromechanical Systems
36. Microwave Theory and Techniques
37. Multimedia
38. Networking
39. Neural Networks
40. Nuclear Science
41. Oceanic Engineering
42. Parallel and Distributed Systems
43. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
44. Photonics Technology
45. Plasma Science
46. Power Delivery
47. Power Electronics
48. Power Systems
49. Professional Communications
50. Quantum Electronics
51. Rehabilitation Engineering
52. Reliability
53. Robotics and Automation
54. Semiconductor Manufacturing
55. Signal Processing
56. Software Engineering
57. Solid State Circuits
58. Speech and Audio Processing
59. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
60. Technology and Society
61. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control
62. Vehicular Technology
63. Visualization and Computer Graphics
64. VLSI Systems