武裝行動2.特戰尖兵 Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead 含 1.52 更新 第一人稱射擊遊戲 英文破解版(售價300)
武裝行動2.特戰尖兵 Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead 含 1.52 更新 第一人稱射擊遊戲 英文破解版(售價300)
遊戲名稱: 武裝行動2.特戰尖兵 Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead 含 1.52 更新
遊戲語系: 英文破解版
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面雙層 DVD)
保護格式: 免光碟破解檔(見最底下)
遊戲序號: 018J-097RH-LXEK6-DW98R-8M5B5
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
硬體需求: 見遊戲簡介下方
遊戲類型: 第一人稱射擊
更新日期: 2010.07.10
遊戲發行: Bohemia Interactive(F.LT V.iTALiTY)
官方網站: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/armaiioperationarrowhead/index.html
中文網站: http://acg.gamer.com.tw/acgDetail.php?s=36852
遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準)
Operation Arrowhead 這次背景設定於一個叫做 Takistan 的國家,那裡主要是沙
- 新資料片可以輕鬆兼容 Arma 2 官方內容和模組之後
- 新的背包系統,可讓玩家帶更多彈藥
- 新的武器歸零系統(可調整歸零點)
- 經過良過的UAV系統
- 改良過的無線電系統
- 無人直昇機
- 改良過的熱成像系統
- 直昇機能放熱焰彈
- 部份武器會配上戰術電筒,戰術紅外線(只能用夜視鏡看)
- 改良過的多人連線
- 新陣容 - 美國陸軍,德國特種隊部,Takistan 軍,捷克軍,聯合國 等
1.52 更新檔內容
- Fixed: C130 was crashing on takeoff.
- Fixed: Multiplayer UI - Cannot play after cancel.
- Improved: Helmet Mounted Display is drawn only for driver.
- Fixed: AutoSaves in MP.
- Improved: Show cargo unit name when speking in vehicle.
- Fixed: Crash with fired event handler.
- Fixed: Allow soldier to shoot if his target is too close and on higher ground.
- Improved: VON: speech encoding/decoding - dropout silence is not inserted so often.
- Improved: Blinking camp fires.
- Fixed: MP clients crash when they are ordered to turn on their flashlights or lasers.
- Fixed: Allow zeroing in external camera.
- "Pathfinder" tuned opfor positions and flow.
- "Coltan blues" inputting code has been tuned and timer delayed.
- "Coltan blues" FTL tuning.
- "From hell" tuned default weapons in MP.
- "From hell" optimized unit count and positions - improved FPS and playability.
- "Good morning T-stan" tuned winning conditions and FTL.
- "Good morning T-stan" convoy skill lowered and composition tweaked to decrease the mission difficulty.
- "Phoenix Op" optimized and tuned Opfor positions and unit count.
- "Laser show" fixed crashing chopper.
- "Press conference" fixed for MP.
- SP scenarios loading screens changed.
- SSM several fixes in the simple support module.
- surrendering fixed in "Pathfinder" and "From hell".
- Several localization fixes.
- Deathmatch and teamdeathmatch templates fixed.
- Several minor fixes of the singleplayer missions.
- UAV & ULB can now be used with terminal backpack on
- Fixed: Healing by UH-60M MEV, Stryker MEV and S1203 ambulance.
- Fixed: Speed indicators in UAZs.
- Fixed: Missing shadow on V3S (Fuel).
- Fixed: Optics model of static AT-13 Metis.
- Fixed: L39 wreck geometry.
- Fixed: S1203 number plate.
- New: Microphone volume slider.
軟、硬體需求(參考遊戲光碟裡的 readme.txt 檔案)
- Fast Dual or Quad Core Core CPU
- 1 GB RAM
- GPU (NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT / ATI Radeon 3650 or faster) with Shader Model 3 and 512 MB VRAM
- Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
- DVD (Dual Layer compatible) for DVD version, 12 GB free HDD space
‧測試環境 Windows XP Service Pack 3 繁體中文版、Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
E7400 2.80 GHz、1 GB 記憶體、Nvidia GeForce 9400 512MB 顯示卡晶片、
NTFS 格式硬碟
‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明
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