A.D.A.M. 互動解剖練習教材 Practice Practical 英文正式版
A.D.A.M. 互動解剖練習教材 Practice Practical 英文正式版
For Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP
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2003.04.15 全新〞光榮 〞上市 XYZ STUDIO
A.D.A.M. 互動解剖練習教材 Practice Practical 英文正式版
■ 參考網址:http://www.adam.com
訂制考試的區域、系統或你所要求的特定的課程摘要。A.D.A.M. 用超過 500 張
非常詳細寫實的屍體標本圖片跟 X 照片與 15,000 個問題,而且這套是
A.D.A.M. 來給學生模擬練習用。
Practice Practical ,不論資料的搜集與圖片的介紹皆是一流的。
The ideal gross anatomy prep tool.
Your students can simulate gross anatomy practical exams, complete
with "pinned" atlas images and time limits, just like in the lab. They
can also customize tests by region, system or your specific course
syllabus. A.D.A.M. Practice Practical combines 15,000 questions with
over 500 detailed A.D.A.M. illustrations cadaver photographs and
radiographs. Its A.D.A.M. Practice Practical lets students take
simulated lab practicals complete with "pinned" structures and time
limits - just like in the lab.
Customize tests to focus on specific regions and systems. There are
more than 15,000 possible identification and objective questions.
Or, use the Review Mode to brush up on anatomy before tests and:
Review thousands of pinned structures in over 500 different images.
Compare up to four images simultaneously including illustrations,
radiographs and cadaver photographs
Navigate quickly to view structures in related images
Attach personal notes to particular images and structures for a quick
study and review.
Print any image and associated notes for convenient review away from
the computer.
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